Follow the story of a woman so downtrodden that she did not know how to go on. With a simple prayer, the Lord guides her to a place of refuge, healing, and comfort. Learning how to cope with a neglectful marriage and overcoming spousal substance abuse by binge drinking she has to find herself again after all the lies and cover-ups. Placed in a haven by God, she encounters him with a four-hour visitation and underlying tests she has overcome. She has to find herself again for not only herself but also for her beautiful children. To reclaim her strength and dignity. This book is about overcoming cruelty and is a story of encouragement, hope and growth not only in herself but in Christ. I believe it will help others understand the Lord better.
Get Four Hours with Jesus by Cindy Medlock at the best price and quality guranteed only at Werezi Africa largest book ecommerce store. The book was published by Austin Macauley Publishers LLC and it has pages. Enjoy Shopping Best Offers & Deals on books Online from Werezi - Receive at your doorstep - Fast Delivery - Secure mode of Payment