Lina, a young mother in suburban Indiana whose marriage has lost its passion, reconnects with an old flame through social media and embarks on an affair that quickly becomes all-consuming. Maggie, a seventeen-year-old high school student in North Dakota, allegedly engages in a relationship with her married English teacher; the ensuing criminal trial turns their quiet community upside down. Sloane, a successful restaurant owner in an exclusive enclave of the Northeast, is happily married to a man who likes to watch her have sex with other men and women. Hailed as ';a dazzling achievement' (Los Angeles Times) and ';a riveting page-turner that explores desire, heartbreak, and infatuation in all its messy, complicated nuance' (The Washington Post), Lisa Taddeo's Three Women has captivated readers, booksellers, and criticsand topped bestseller listsworldwide. Based on eight years of immersive research, it is ';an astonishing work of literary reportage' (The Atlantic) that introduces us to three unforgettable womenand one remarkable writerwhose experiences remind us that we are not alone.
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